Message from General Manager of Oromia Seed Enterprise
Dear customers and partners

The world is constantly changing and the evolving agricultural environment brings new challenges and opportunities in the global food system. The recent years Covid -19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, for example, have complicated the global food system. In addition, climate change and recurrent drought have a direct impact on food security of the rural community. Sub-optimal crop management practices, grass weed pressure, insect pests and crop diseases such as stem rust, strip and leaf rusts and fusarium head blights has exacerbated the self-sufficiency wheat production potential. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed to promote sustainable crop intensification production systems while encouraging resilient agricultural economy and agribusiness development. To this end, the enterprise has developed it’s the third strategic document. Generally, the OSE strategy is guided by three principles: continuation in competitive market profitably, business and product diversification and fostering developmental cooperation for seed sector development in Ethiopia and beyond.
Moving forward, the enterprise will continue to add new agribusiness development to address the market shortage for food products and contribute to regional food security.
Therefore, we are looking forwards together with our partners and stakeholders to promote regional agribusiness enterprise to:-
(1) Boost the volume of seed supply through increasing productivity and corporate farming following sustainable crop intensification production systems
(2) Achieve or maintain the quality of seed produced;
(3) Improve the competitiveness and profitability of the agribusiness enterprise through establishing dairy farming (heifer program), animal feed processing plant, poultry farm and horticulture development; and
(4) Contribute to the regional food security by hugely investing on the agricultural business sector in the years to come. In addition, the enterprise engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities by contributing to the fields of education, rural water supply and infrastructure development for the community surrounding OSE farms. The goal is to develop a peaceful coexistence of farms while rising consolidated corporate values, community advancement and empowering the staffs.
Lastly, let’s work hard together hand in hand to bring a paradigm shift in the Ethiopian Agriculture to create food secured, and prosperous society.